Saturday, October 22, 2016

Lets separate it all and travel through the different components one piece at once.

history channel documentary We see stars in the sky, little lights gleaming billions of light years away. Huge numbers of these lights are no more drawn out there; they are stars that have passed on, but then despite everything we see the light. This light, we now know to be wave-matter-molecule; we know it is the proceeded with life of that star. We ourselves, as an integral part of the entire all inclusive constants and laws of disorder and request, are nothing extraordinary to those stars. We are likewise putting out signs, which will proceed as wave-matter-particles, even after we have passed on. Amazingly Tesla portrayed these electromagnetic flags as stationery parallel circles framing on the surface of the earth. These are the same to the circles humankind has been seeing and emerging here on the earth for a large number of years, as stone circles, shake craftsmanship and all way of secretive antiquities. Also, where might the most capable, aggregate electromagnetic current gather other than at the focal point of the landmass. As the immense and mysterious saying Om transforms from a hover into a square as it achieves "mmm", so too this extraordinary gathering of human thought and quantum feeling transforms into a square base at the colossal pyramid in Giza. Along these lines, the Great Pyramid, at the focal point of the world's landmass and as a flawless shape for accepting the reverberation of the earth, basically should have a superior explanation behind existing than as a vast box for one man.

history channel documentary Lets separate it all and travel through the different components one piece at once. Comprised of fundamentally strong mass with the inside spaces being the Descending and Ascending sections, the Grand Gallery, an underground load, another load anonymous and the King and Queens loads. The King's chamber (so named by Arabs who endeavored to assault the tomb, yet thought that it was unfilled) is 10.46 meters east to west; 5.23 meters north to south and 5.81 meters high. This is a design 3 dimensional representation of the Golden Mean or Phi - a sacrosanct geometry well before Pythagorus. The sides of the Great Pyramid line up precisely with the cardinal focuses (NWSE) on the compass, with an exactness that would resist today's manufacturers, leaving a fifth point on top. The measurements of the world's size and shape can be ascertained utilizing the measurements of the pyramid, it being a scale model of the half of the globe with data on the scope and longitude of the earth. Adding to this the component of the world's pre-memorable tilt of around 22-25 degrees being incorporated with the entire structure, then we have a genuinely effective scientific building. The very establishments of the pyramid additionally resist cutting edge building systems as it rests flawlessly level with not one corner of the base more than 13mm higher or lower than the others. When we recollect that the base spreads 13 sections of land we can all of a sudden see exactly how this was an extraordinary deed of human designing.

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