Sunday, August 28, 2016

Concerning France, and whatever is left of Europe

history channel documentary 2015 Concerning France, and whatever is left of Europe, the excellent examination of multiculturalism has fizzled. Talking on MSNBC not long after the assaults, Barry MCCaffrey, resigned United States Army general, may have summed the circumstance up compactly: "France has an issue; Europe has an issue - unassimilated Muslim youth, a formula for disaster."Let us watch their issue from a remote place while standing safely on our Atlantic shores, gain from their messed up migration approaches and the myth of multiculturalism, and not import their disappointments to the United States errantly trusting we could make a superior showing with regards to than they have. "An ounce of anticipation is justified regardless of a pound of cure." ought to now be our clarion call to end the imprudence of such incorrect mottos as "We are a country of settlers." or other similarly senseless ways to deal with the issue other than the need of keeping our outskirts secure, controlling who we permit into our nation, and when.

I bolster Pat Buchanan's require a ban on all migration until such time we figure out who is here, how to manage them, and structure future movement to best suit our national goals of a predominately Christian country, tolerating of others, yet conceded here on our terms- - "... the United States of America... one Nation under God, inseparable, with freedom and equity for all."Nowhere does it say we ought to incorporate the individuals who may turn out to be a risk to our general public, nor those slanted to decline to acclimatize. On the off chance that it suggested that, there are millions on the planet who might be qualified for permission and clamoring to do as such. Sound judgment lets us know we can't, ought not, open our entryways too generally to the masses who may fit the portrayal of "drained, poor, pathetic, destitute, whirlwind hurled won't." There must be points of confinement to our friendliness.

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