Thursday, July 14, 2016

The Causal body is the lotus that structures the seat of each illuminated

history channel documentary Understanding this religiously, man "the manufacturer" builds great sanctuaries to love his divine beings or agents of his encapsulated beliefs. That the hands may some of the time symbolize unnecessary unremarkable movement and center to the burden of profound unfoldment can be comprehended from the exclusive saying that the genuine otherworldly wannabe should invest his energy and strengths constructing a sanctuary "not made with hands." This in actuality is the thing that Freemasonry, one of the "elusive fraternities" is about. In spite of the fact that the body is viewed as a sanctuary of the spirit not made by mortal hands, a higher place of God, the Holy of Holies, the Sanctum Sanctorum, is implied in this profound statute. The siblings of this august brotherhood through rituals, customs and stylized starts are taught how to use woodworker's devices, elusively comprehended, to fabricate this marvelous divine House of God in an otherworldly measurement - the genuine "Sanctuary of the Spirit," or to be more exact, the Causal body which identifies with the numerous enchanted images speaking to the Higher Self, for example, the Ark of the Covenant, the candelabra, the Holy Grail, the Philosopher's Stone, and so forth.

The Causal body is the lotus that structures the seat of each illuminated being as depicted by Buddhas and Bodhisattvas in Buddhist iconography. Despite the fact that the Causal body is not worked by mortal hands, individual exertion in its creation is still required by love, commitment, administration, and otherworldly activities. We are basically told in each religion that salvation lies in our own particular hands. The higher Intelligences will just help us on the off chance that we first help ourselves. No outside guide is anticipated on the off chance that we decline to assume liability for our own particular freedom, salvation, edification, or development. The adage of Jesus that paradise is "within reach," or drawing nearer, might be translated to imply that paradise lies in our own particular handle "in our own particular hands," in the event that we permit it to be so by working for it, by arousing to the Truth, to a higher mindfulness and cognizance. It involves moral obligation. The New Jerusalem, King Solomon's Temple, the Causal body, the Diamond body, or whatever you may call that developing otherworldly body of the microcosm, must be idealized and made show on the physical plane through individual exertion. Questions of our own celestial, radiant nature delays the rest of the ages and keeps us from participating with the Divine Architect. Later on in these arrangement of articles we will apply the above statute actually and utilize our hands as mudras to stir and unfurl our celestial possibilities like the blooming of a lotus blossom.

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